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Bella Rossa Estate Shez Razzi (GGAG 80 - FF Score)


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Cou Claire - Polled

DOB 1/31/2023

Sire: Violet's Acre Fox Hunter *B
SS: Lil Miss B Haven Bahgerah *B (VEE 90)
SSS: Wood Bridge Farm BearNecessity +*B
SSD: GCH J-Nels L Cookie Brittle (+EEE 88)
SD: Rosasharn OC Silver Fox 8*M (VEEE 90)
SDS: Rosasharn NP Oyster Catcher *B (+EE 85)
SDD: Rosasharn KMD Foxy 7*M (EEEV 91)


Dam: GCH Mistwood JJ Shiraz 3*M (VEEE 91)
DS: Mistwood LJJ Jacobs Java +B (VEV 86)
DSS: Sweet Syringa's Latin Java Joe (VV+ 85)
DSD: Otter Grove M Mayzee (VEEV 88)
DD: Mistwood PC Brandywine 2*M (+V+V 85)
DDS: TUA Farms SP Party Cruiser (VVV 86)
DDD: Nomad Der What They Saying 1*M (++V+ 84)
sire pc bella rossa estate.webp

Sire: Violet's Acre Fox Hunter *B

PC: Bella Rossa Estate

Dam: GCH Mistwood JJ Shiraz 3*M (VEEE91)

PC: Bella Rossa Estate
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ss pc violet acre.webp

SS: Lil Miss B Haven Bahgerah *B (VEE90)

PC: Violet's Acre

SD: Rosasharn OC Silver Fox 8*M (VEEE90)

PC: Violet's Acre
sd pc violet acre.webp
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DS: Mistwood LJJ Jacobs Java +B (VEV86)

PC: Kessel Run Dairy Goats
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